Halloween Safety

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Like other Halloweens before, you are out with your kids, carrying their bags of candy as they run from house to house. Or maybe you’re the type to stay at home, snuggled up watching a scary movie and waiting for the doorbell to ring. Whichever way you prefer to spend the evening, one thing is for sure:

Crime spikes on Halloween. How can you be prepared?

We have put together a list of the best ways to keep your home safe this time of year:

  1. Lights – If you leave the house, leave your lights on. This will hopefully make any potential thieves think you are home.
  2. Lock Up – even if you are home, make sure you keep the windows and doors locked at all times. Yes, even if you’re going back and forth to open the door for little fairies and gremlins.
  3. Valuables – In normal circumstances, on any other day, you may love to put your favorite items in the windows for decoration. However, we don’t want anyone to see inside and get any ideas! If trick-or-treaters and others walking around the neighborhood can see your flat screen or that expensive statue, so can a burglar.
  4. Social Media – Don’t post anything on social media until you are back home! If someone knows you are away from home, at a party, no coming back soon – well, that’s all the safety they need to creep inside your empty home.

Sadly, property crime is the number one type of criminal activity that increases on Halloween night. 60% of those claims involved theft. Don’t let your home be another statistic.
Contact All Florida Alarms today and be prepared for tomorrow.

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