Smoke Alarms & CO Detectors

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Smoke Alarms & CO Detectors Save Lives

Carbon monoxide, or “CO”, is a silent, odorless, colorless, and flammable gas. This gas is produced from stoves, grills, lanterns, fireplaces, and vehicles – things we use regularly each day. However, it is poisonous to those who breathe it in.

 According to the CDC, the most common symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning are headache, dizziness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and other “flu-like” symptoms. If you breathe in a lot of CO, it can make you pass out or kill you.

 So if this poisonous gas is silent, odorless, colorless, and flammable – how can you detect it in your home to stay safe?

For over 30 years, we have seen alarms, smoke and flood detectors save homeowners thousands of dollars in damages, valuables and save lives.  We know you have questions and sometimes want an actual person to work you through the answers. We are free to answer all of your questions.

Flood detectors are extremely useful as well to business and homeowners realizing the consequences of water damage, especially living in South Florida. These can be placed by air-conditioning units, water heaters, and in bathrooms.

Smoke detectors, CO detectors & heat detectors (for the kitchen area) in the house can automatically call the fire department. These systems are especially beneficial to people with pets, kids home alone, or seasonal homes so that should there be an issue, the fire department is called. You may also give you additional discounts on your home owners insurance.

Let us Help You Choose the Right System.

© 2022 All Florida Alarms, Inc.

Florida Electrical License #EY0000113