Get your cameras rolling!

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Cameras are one of the best choices of protection for a business. Not only does the sight of cameras deter some reckless behavior, but of course they can capture the truth of events.

All Florida Alarms cameras have helped several families and businesses by installing camera ware on the property. Here are a few stories:

security cameraA gym was having an issue with a “peeping-tom”. A man was lurking to catch a glimpse of women changing in the locker room. All Florida Alarms installed an infrared beam trap above the ceiling, so that when this Tom crawled into the access space to snoop, a silent alarm was sent to the front desk, alerting staff of the activity. They were able to catch him on the spot.

A restaurant/bar had a lawsuit on their hands when a young woman fell off of a high top stool and was knocked unconscious. The young woman tried suing the bar – they went back to view the camera footage from the night of the incident, and it showed how much the young woman had drank, how intoxicated she was, and showed how her own shoe caused her to fall – not negligent furniture.

On multiple occasions, outdoor cameras have prevented break-ins to homes – the stories are endless. We have even had a few instances of setting up cameras indoors – to prevent grounded kids from going out!

We never truly know what’s coming, but we can always be prepared. Call All Florida Alarms at (561) 488-7022 to get a quote on camera installation today.

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Florida Electrical License #EY0000113